Our top designed websites templates:

Forget about expensive graphic designers and web developers! Browse our top designed collection of website templates and find the one that suits you.

The graphic designs and elements on our templates are designed by top web developers. All your content will fit in these templates with the appropriate effects and styles.

You may see your preferred template in action, before you choose it! All templates have fully functional demo websites, allowing you to better evaluate your choice.

While other competitors’ solutions let their customers set their own design, which yields unprofessional results, we supply a fully ready, functional and top designed website template and the only thing left for you to do is fill in the content.

123-Hive / Websites templates

Our websites templates advantages are:

  • Your website is highly designed! With attractive, smooth and clean graphics elements and styles
  • Your website is REAL! (it's not a flash website template) With a real code! Built on Microsoft ASP.NET Technology
  • Full flexibility over pages content form, you set and choose styled content tiles
  • Multi language compatibility
  • Website server code is Google and other search engines friendly, all your content is readable to search providers
  • Website code is byte-light, providing fast user experience
  • You choose the hosting server location : your continent or your client's location (fast user experience)
  • Our templates are compatible with all major Internet browser types (IE, Safari, FireFox, Chrome)
  • Your website can be seen on any computer type (PC, MAC, etc.)
  • All templates are also support RTL languages (i.e. Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, etc.)
  • Did you know? Even this 123-Hive website is running on a template from our websites template collection!

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